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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel is a fundamental part of business and marketing for many years. Recently, it appears to me that the topic of funnels being used to promote Internet business is popping up everywhere on the web.

People want to learn more about the concept of marketing and how it can be used to enhance their online marketing efforts. Continue reading if you want to learn more on the sales funnel for Internet marketing successful.

The Sales Funnel - What exactly is it?

A marketing funnel doesn't actually refer to a funnel. The reason for using the word "funnel" for this concept of marketing is to help visualize and explain a sales process from the beginning to the end. The term funnel is a term utilized to define the process of selling due to its wider entry path to "Unqualified Prospects", and a smaller opening for converts in the lower part of the funnel.

The top of the funnel or entry point to the funnel will be who we may consider as "unqualified prospects"; these are folks who could need your products or services, but you have never contacted them before. At the end of the funnel, a number of offers and sales actions after, you've received people who've obtained the product or service you offer and made a purchase as well.

The efficiency of the lead generation funnel is from its ability to allows you to monitor the potential prospects' actions during different stages of the lengthy selling process. With the sales funnel, by finding out the number of prospects who are qualified at each point of the process, it is possible to anticipate the number of prospective customers who'll eventually become actual customers.

A sales funnel will aid you in determining where your sales process is failing or successful or if your marketing campaign isn't attracting enough prospects. This information allows you to choose exactly the areas you need to concentrate your efforts and to maintain sales at the necessary level and, in turn, fulfill marketing goals. It helps monitor and manage the sales process of customers.

The top of the Sales Funnel or Front - End

Your sales funnel's top is the most active and important area in your sales process. It requires constant testing. There are virtually endless front-end strategies limited only by your creativity and resources.

The primary objective is to attract new clients and then convert them into buyers.

Once a prospective client decides to sign up for your offering, they are "qualified". This is the stage of the sales funnel at which the prospective customer or "Unqualified prospect" becomes a qualified leads because they have taken actions that show that they are sufficiently interested to purchase your product.

Your front-end must be able bring targeted traffic to your site or blog. PPC adverts, articles marketing, PPC advertisements, social media like Google+, Twitter and Facebook, YouTube, banners and blogs forums, content posting on forums and marketing are all great resources.

There are many ways to "qualify" an "unqualified prospect. A squeeze page is among the most efficient ways to "qualify" the unqualified prospect. It allows you to provide something valuable, related to your product or services, that customers can get at no cost or at a greatly reduced cost in exchange for their email address. You can choose from newsletters and related reports, as well as video and e-mail courses.

So we realize that the front end of the sales funnel is where folks are drawn into your sale funnel. The back-end is the part we should be focusing on.


The Back-End or Bottom of The Funnel

The bottom, or back end, of the sales funnel are where the majority of profit and sales take place. It typically contains your highest priced products. They all belong to the same niche, but in different formats such as video, audio or live interaction.

The main difference between the front-end service and the back end is the type or price of the client.

While it's true that just one percent, or 1-2%, from the total number of people entering into your front - end will finish up at the back end. This is because a select few people will spend a larger amount of money.

Although front-end products and services might be cheaper than $100, back-end services and products are usually priced in the hundreds or even thousands. This means that the lowest end of the sales channel, which is also called the back-end is the primary source of revenue.

The sales funnel can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, as long you have the proper resources and creativity.

For more information on the ways I'm planning my content marketing strategy, look at the link below.

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